Body Consciousness Realignment (BCR) – Lightbody Integration

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Keepers of the Human Legacy
Our body’s consciousness are separate, sentient beings, called the “Keepers of the Human Legacy.” They
run and regulate all body function. Initially, the Keepers were programmed to run the programs of
separation, thus causing physical behavior to run that would hold the personality in separation. They
also prevented our fields from unifying, which prevents Spirit from coming into the body and facilitates
the Ascension process. The Keepers’ programs create a conflict as our personality and soul rise in
The Keepers’ “headquarters” is located in the Pelvic area, in the Sacrum. A matrix of energetic light
fibers from the sixth (6th) dimension connects into the spine, holding their programing to the body. We
are going to inform the Keepers that they need to change their orientation, to align with God, the planet
and humanity, and absorb the Higher Light from the Universe.
In this session we’re going to be working with your body’s consciousness. It is the sentient part of your
physical being that runs your body and the way that your heart beats and you digest food, and all the
processes and bodily functions are run by what we call the keepers of the human legacy. They are little
sentient beings. When we leave this earth plane and leave this incarnation, we don’t take our body with
us. Your body is of the earth. Your body consciousness has little devic type energies and of the earth.
They are not sophisticated or multidimensional consciousness. They’re very much here on earth to do a
job. We are here on earth to play a game of separation. We are here to really understand that we are
here to work through all of our imprints and programs to find our way back to realizing the truth of who
we are. This programming was originally set up thousands of years ago and in this instance we refer to it
as the Nephilim. They are the consciousness that set up these physical bodies and it is all done in
agreement. It’s an agreement in the game that since 1987 after the harmonic convergence, is when the
game of separation started to unravel. So people have even reached a certain level of light body
integration and there comes a point where we don’t need all these restrictions and imprints. So today
we’re going to be focusing on the relationship between you and your body’s consciousness. And we are
going to undertake a couple of vow breaks. What that means is that your body will start working with
you and not against you. It’s a hard job for the body’s consciousness because they have taken these
vows and as we get more light coming into our fields, it’s a harder job for them. They have to struggle to
keep us from enlightenment. They will enable you to move through blocks that you have may have been
carrying all of your life and enables you to start working on a very much level of your emotional healing
and all the integrations that you do. It will really be like a foundational piece of this work and
complement everything that you have done so far. It will complement everything you do in the future. It
should help that ‘scattered push and pull feeling.’ You know when you say you want to do this or that,
and then you have setbacks. That’s your body telling you what to do. They want to keep you in the dark
as much as possible because that is what you agreed to on a soul level. This is one piece of the puzzle
that will help you with your ascension and you will have a smoother passage with your body’s
We are going to build up this relationship and some people see their bodies consciousness as light,
sound or color. Other people see it as more simplistic elemental type figures. We have thousands of
them in our body and they all congregate around our sacral area. Once we open up this level of
communication it is like any relationship walking into it. The more you walk into it the more you get out
of it. It can come to the point will you say to your keepers what do I need today or what do I need to eat
today. What is beneficial for me? Most people go through life without any relation to their body. They
take them for granted. They see that life is miraculous to be alive. Most people act in a way that they are
not their bodies. The body’s consciousness is part of who you are in your personality. It is your soul.
Then we have the Nephilim soul which we will also clear contracts with if you do that session next. First
week after this BCR session, you might find some pockets of grief or emotions coming up and clearing,
and that’s where the keepers are allowing the cellular release. It will release anything you were holding
on to. You will feel ‘born again.’
I am so glad you are doing the session and look forward to helping you evolve to your next level!


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