
a quick strong clearing and life support, for your current situation we are clearing your Aura, chakras, meridians, cords (without feedback)


get an overview about your current situation,get a solution, we are clearing karmic
patterns of your past lives, hidden contracts etc. a trigger you see in your partner
is a wound within yourself.


this session is very clearing and deep healing on all levels at the same time
body mind and soul, this life and past lives, inner child healing and ancestral.
I will read your energy and – guide you to take your power back and be in peace


a very unique way of clearing and healing ancestral traumas patterns net codings , within the the family tree Your DNA will be
cleared from trauma spells family pattern and most importantly your own light
codes will be reintegrated, to support your full growth
your family is your roots and your roots are important for your growth
Healing and clearing up to 8 generations of your family tree

$ 666.66

Starseed origin calculation

you don’t know if you are starseed? you wanna know your starseed origin… we are calculating scientifically according to your birth
chart your past lives at other stars, planets or constellations ….it’s not a reading….readings can more likely change through the quality of
the medium.


Reading (3 questions)

you can ask me 3 questions regarding your life situation

no healing
no clearing


Family and Children Session

as a family with 3 or more people it’s often a challenge to understands everyone’s needs to support and communicate

we are all different and we might have had many past lives with karmic baggage …. lets release the soul contracts and karmic blockages
for the growth of each soul


Session for Children (Age 12 & above)

Children are the future of the world , but more than that they come from love ….. unfortunately they are under huge amounts of pressure
from a young age…
The new age children also called indigo or crystal children are very strong, unique and different … . i will guide you as a parent to
support their optimum growth t und understand your child to have a smooth communication and interaction with video call / child and


Deep healing intensive

its the same as deep healing except that we are working with more themes which come up.

instead of 1 over night session we are working over a period of 4 days

$ 666.66

Metatronia Attunement

Archangel Metatron opens us up to this remarkable and effective Light frequency. Assisting
mankind’s light evolutionary process. A divine process that goes straight to the heart and heals.



J seal/ Implant/parasite removal

Original Divine Blueprint restored
– the removal of these J-seals is the most important thing a person can do at this point in 
– better connection to Higher



The energy assists with:
Fertility, women’s health, Divine Feminine vibration,
Conception, Reproduction, Pregnancy, Hormonal Balance, Trauma, personal light
counsel, nurture, Abuse, Menopause and more.


As part of the Game of Separation, each human had an extra consciousness (Nephilim) embodied in addition to their human soul. The Nephilim are located in the brain stem. Their purpose is to hold our illusion of separation


Black magic clearing

Black magic is real !!!
I know it’s a tricky toppic 😕
Reason :
Enemies but most important
What exactly in you allows this to happen?!
I will help you to make yo…

$ 777.77

Personal live video call
(1 hr)

This is a chance to heal, clear, and transform with me together
On a 1:1 video call live
You can ask as many questions as you like during this 1h session
I will guide you through …


Body Consciousness Realignment (BCR) – Lightbody Integration Modul 1

Keepers of the Human Legacy
Our body’s consciousness are separate, sentient beings, called the “Keepers of the Human Legacy.” They
run and regulate all body function. Initially, the Keepers were programmed to run the programs of
separation, thus causing physical behavior to run that would hold the personality in separation. They
also prevented our fields from unifying, which prevents Spirit from coming into the body and facilitates the Ascension process. The Keepers’ programs create a conflict as our personality and soul rise in


Reptilian overlay removal

This Reptilian false skin has been imposed upon humanity which forces the host to be controlled by this suit, which also controls the whole entire body. The only parts that the suit doesn’t cover are the hands, feet, neck 



Etheric Crystal Removal & Activation Modul 3

What are Etheric Crystals?
In the etheric blueprint body, there are nineteen, twelve-sided, double terminated etheric crystals
and other structures call Regulator Crystals that act as “circuit breakers.” These crystals and


Divinity Threshold Removal - Lightbody Integration - Modul 4

Divinity threshold thresholds are seventh dimensional structures located in the pelvis back and legs. Their purpose is to prevent spirit from embodying below the ribcage as the higher light descends into the body. They trigger primal survival patterns that are fear based.


Astral Devices and Entities, Parasites removal Modul 5

The removal or dissolving of Separation Structures, Astral Devices and Entity/Parasites is a large part of the
Higher Light Integration work. Separation structures and parasites can be painful and disabling to people in
a variety of ways. Many structures function to suppress our


KMR- Karmic Matrix Reabsorption Modul 6

Having a KMR session does not mean you can avoid engaging in your emotional transformation work. What it does is it accelerates and deepens it.
Effects from this work, which may occur, are:


Higher Light Integration – Lightbody Integration
Modul 7

This work opens the DNA to accept more Light. It supports the building of the Lightbody and prepares the energy bodies for reunification with the Oversoul. A gridwork of Higher Light is built on the surface of the physical body. This is connected to the physical meridian system and cha


Ze-Yod Modul 8

means “This is God.” The purpose of this work is to allow our consciousness to recognise itself as Divine. We go beyond the boundaries of form and access our multidimensional nature.

It reconnects the physical body to the higher dimensions
Activates the circuitry in the brain for whole thought reception and the ability to translate Light Languages



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