As part of the Game of Separation, each human had an extra consciousness (Nephilim) embodied in addition to their human soul. The Nephilim are located in the brain stem. Their purpose is to hold our illusion of separation and disconnection from Divinity and holds the programs of the Soul’s abandonment. This program is held by a matrix of energetic light fibers that wrap around the spinal column. This matrix often creates back pain and headaches when you hit a threshold of awakening and creates a strong feeling of resistance in your consciousness.
So the Nephilim soul was set up with the keepers of your body. The Nephilim is the operating system for the keepers. That is really in place to keep you separate from your source and divine knowing for as long as possible. That is where the challenges that you have experienced that the Nephilim soul has really worked hard to keep that personality side working. Of course if we didn’t go through all that it would be too easy in a way. For some people they go through a lot of stuff in their life. So basically the first vow is to clear the contract to keep you separate and the second one is about you reclaiming your sovereignty over your physical body. For the average person walking in the street, they are not embodied with their soul. The Nephilim side of things is what kind of creates the dramas and addictions and stuff in life. That is because these energies feed off the drama of humans and humanity and that’s their way of operating. The other thing to realize is that it was not done to us there was an agreement. Whether that agreement was conscious or unconscious, we’re not sure of. Sometimes we agree to things without knowing how about them. So we are just changing these contracts today.
The important thing is not to have any fear or any form of attack towards the Nephilim. It is basically doing its job. It’s creating a humanity as we’ve known it and that time is now coming to an end or has ended. So for people like you and myself, our job is to really show the way for others and how to come through such a time of clarity. Most people take it for granted and think that their reality is something else, whereas if we can bring everything into that sense of oneness, then the Nephilim has done its role. It is now time for your next level of evolution and the Nephilim soul’s evolution.
You are here in service as you know. These sessions are fine tuning what you’ve already done in your life and achieved. Today we will be working with the Nephilim soul, suppressor parasite entities and slave hooks.
In the BCR session, we’re going to be working with your body’s consciousness. It is the sentient part of your physical being that runs your body. And the way that your heart beats and you digest food, and all the processes and bodily functions are run by what we call the keepers of the human legacy. They are little sentient beings. When we leave this earth plane, we don’t take our body with us. Your body is of the earth and your body’s consciousness has little devic type energies and of the earth. Other devic beings include fairies, sprites, elves, etc. Your body’s consciousness are not sophisticated or multidimensional consciousness. They’re very much here on earth to do a job. We are here on earth to play a game of separation. We are here to really understand that we are here to work through all of our imprints and programs to find our way back to realizing the truth of who we are. This programming was originally set up thousands of years ago by the Nephilim. They are the consciousness that set up these physical bodies and it is all done in agreement. So today we’re going to be focusing on the relationship between you and your body’s consciousness. And we are going to undertake a couple of vow breaks. What that means is that your body will start working with you and not against you. The body’s consciousness has a hard job because they have taken these vows and as we get more light coming into our fields, it is harder for them. They have to struggle to keep us keep us from enlightenment. This will enable you to move through blocks that you have may have been carrying all of your life and enable you to start working on a deeper level of your emotional healing and all the integrations that you do. It should help that scattered push and pull feeling within. You know when you say you want to do this or that, and then you have setbacks. That’s your body confusing you. They want to keep you in the dark as possible because that is what you agreed to on a soul level. This is one piece of the puzzle that will help you with your ascension and have a smoother passage with your body’s consciousness.
We are going to build up this relationship and some people see their bodies consciousness as light or sound or color. Other people see it as more simplistic elemental type figures. You can feel them in certain parts of the body responding. We have thousands of them in our body and they all congregate around our sacral area. Once we open up this level of communication it is like any relationship walking into it. The more you walk into it the more you get out of it. The body’s consciousness is part of who you are in your personality. It is your soul.
The contract was made between the Archons, and the Nephilim to set up the human expression for the soul to come into. The Nephilim is part of that consciousness and holding us in separation. That would be the next session and removing the Nephilim aspect of it if you are interested. The Nephilim has been like a father figure to the body’s consciousness and the keepers. They have been reliant on them. This is why a lot of people walk around on this planet soulless. They don’t have a connection to their soul because their Nephilim soul is the one keeping them in very extreme separation programs.
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