Etheric Crystal Removal & Activation Modul 3

66,66 $

What are Etheric Crystals?
In the etheric blueprint body, there are nineteen, twelve-sided, double terminated etheric crystals
and other structures call Regulator Crystals that act as “circuit breakers.” These crystals and
structures are placed into the blueprint body before entering an incarnation to assist you to look
and feel humanly limited. …..


What are Etheric Crystals?
In the etheric blueprint body, there are nineteen, twelve-sided, double terminated etheric crystals
and other structures call Regulator Crystals that act as “circuit breakers.” These crystals and
structures are placed into the blueprint body before entering an incarnation to assist you to look
and feel humanly limited.
Ninety percent of people have what we call the nineteen “standard issued Regulator Crystals.”
These crystals keep Light connection from being made in the etheric blueprint body, thereby
preventing certain perceptions and abilities from manifesting. Some of these “circuit breakers”
block psychic abilities, interdimensional sight and perceptions and decoding of the Languages of
Light, as well as maintain linear thinking and separated functioning. Also, these regulators
create a ceiling on the degree of Light that can be absorbed by the body and prevents the heart
chakra from opening to its multi-dimensional functioning.
As Higher Light pours into the etheric blueprint, pressure builds around the crystals and may
manifest physically as sharp pains in the head or chest, spasms in the neck or shoulders and
sudden deterioration of hearing, vision or thinking.
You placed these regulators crystals into your etheric blueprint body to assist you to forget you
are a multi-dimensional master and why you are here. At this time of planetary transformation,
these limiting structures are obsolete and need to be removed.
Note: the “Game of Separation” which these crystals were designed for has ended and the
Separation Platform has been removed. The new Platform of Unity/Oneness has been installed.
Here is a list of the “circuit breakers” inhibited:
• Clairvoyant centers
• Telepathic centers
• Psychokinetic centers that control visualization of upper-dimensional geometries and
• Whole brain functioning and non-linear thought
• Receptions and decoding of Light Languages
• Being fully embodied
• Blocking energy in the spine
• The amount of Light the body can absorb, thereby creating a spiritual ceiling
• 5-D functioning of the heart chakra
• 5-D functioning of the third eye
• 4
th Eye functioning (connections to the Astral Realm)
• Polarity balance
• Unified chakra functioning
• The otic1
and optic nerves
Lotus Sword Higher Light Integration Training Manual Etheric Crystal Removal
• Multi-dimensional access
• Self-confidence and focus
• Deeper opening and functioning of the heart chakra
About Etheric Crystal Removal and Activation
A karmic matrix surrounds most crystals and each crystal has an astral “shadow.”
• Karmic Matrix is the “Program” and can appear as gray cobwebs or fine metal wiring, it
resides in the 4th dimension.
• The crystals hold the karmic matrix (programing) in place until removed, and it resides in
the 5th dimension.
At some point enough Light could hit the body to activate the crystals and they all overload at
once. This is very painful. It is imperative that you keep your focused intent completely on
removing the crystals.
As we evolve to the 5th
-dimension, these obsolete crystals are being flooded by the higher
vibrations of Light. As the crystals overload, they begin to glow orange and the aura around
them can become very sore. This infusion of higher light may produce some or all of the
following symptoms.
• Pins in the neck, shoulders or upper back – #8 Neck & #9 Upper Spine Crystals.
If the pain is chronic – These crystals may be overloaded or shattered.


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