Higher Light Integration – Lightbody Integration Modul 7

66,66 $

This work opens the DNA to accept more Light. It supports the building of the Lightbody and prepares
the energy bodies for reunification with the Oversoul.
A gridwork of Higher Light is built on the surface of the physical body. This is connected to the physical
meridian system and chakras. These in turn feed the Light into the internal meridian (axial) system to
reach the DNA in every cell of the body.


This work opens the DNA to accept more Light. It supports the building of the Lightbody and prepares
the energy bodies for reunification with the Oversoul.
A gridwork of Higher Light is built on the surface of the physical body. This is connected to the physical
meridian system and chakras. These in turn feed the Light into the internal meridian (axial) system to
reach the DNA in every cell of the body.
A Higher Light Integration is a blissful session which assists in embodying much more of your Being so
that you can raise your frequency and live Heaven on Earth.
The Higher Light integration session will activate dormant parts of your DNA.
Higher Light is your 5th dimensional life force energy coming from your Monad/Higher Self into the 3rd
and 4th dimension.
It assists in the building of the Light body which has been disconnected through misalignment to allow the
illusion of separation from spirit.
It prepares the physical body for full embodiment of the oversoul/Higher self.
It recalibrates, repairs all the Light body circuits.
It repairs and enhances the axial system which is like a circulatory system for the Higher Light.
Chakras can be optimized, recalibrated and if necessary, replaced.
This will raise the frequency of the body to allow the higher frequencies of the oversoul to come into
physical form. This session is very blissful and is a balm for the soul as the Light body is repaired and
brought back into alignment.


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